Finding Stories
I’ve been thinking about…
…finding stories.
“Historical research” is a stuffy term that does not capture — at all — the excitement and intrigue of what is essentially discovering stories.
I spend quite a bit of time exploring the past, specifically the history of the little town I’ve lived in all my life. Almost seventy years of that “history” are my own memories.
I’ve been thinking…
…about my mom, Mary Runner (Mary Evelyn Gould Runner). She would have been 100 this month.
She died, much too young when Jillian was a month away from making her entrance into this world. I think they met in passing as Mom was going to heaven and Jillian was poised to come here.
I’ve been thinking…
About August.
July is the quintessential summer month. Long days, hot sun, lots of summer fun.
But what is August? The days do seem shorter — no more long summer dusks that stretch bedtimes. And the hot summer sun is displaced by those hazy humid days. Is that a hint of Fall in the air?
I’ve been thinking…
…about summer and in particular, summer reading.
Even in our A/C world where there is no reason to slow down for summer heat and humidity, we still revel in summer afternoons with “nothing to do” but relax and have fun….
I’ve been thinking …
About birthdays.
It is birthday season in our family. When the kids were young, we had big family parties on Mother’s Day to celebrate our two and cousins’ May birthdays.
I was so grateful to have the little ones to focus on as it took away the sting of not having my amazing mom with us.
I’ve been thinking…
At this stage of my life, “playing” means golf!
But thinking back when I was a kid, “playing” meant being outside, down at the creek, out in the woods. Exploring and building forts and discovering (there it is again!) the wonders in the world.
Do kids play outside today?
What might inspire a poem?
I’ve been thinking…
What might inspire a poem?
Spring’s battle with Winter is worthy of note.
We consider how…
Winter’s crusty ground begins to yield to the warm breath of Spring.
But Winter is not going easily — whipping those March winds into a frenzy.
Daffodils and crocus ignore the roars.
I’ve been thinking about…
Marilyn Roessler was an educational innovator. She was team teaching, running reading workshops, and directing outdoor education programs long before these best practices were commonly embraced. But it was as a teacher of the gifted that I so fondly remember this highly gifted woman…
I’ve been thinking…
Tis the season for “resolutions.” Sadly, the concept of setting resolutions at the new year has taken on a negative edge.
But aren’t resolutions really about reflecting on where we have been and where we want to go? And isn’t this a healthy mental and emotional exercise?
I’ve been thinking about…
In this season of very short days, and very long nights, we — all of us — seek LIGHT!
The brain needs light to function. (This explains why I am tired these days at 8:30 pm; it has been dark for hours!) So, it makes sense that during the darkest days of winter, we not only seek light, but celebrate it!
The Excitement of NEW!
I've been thinking...
...about the excitement of NEW!
We have a new baby in our family! Our sixth grandchild. His mama calls him the "caboose." We are thrilled to have Mac join the cousin crew! Though it will be a bit of time before he's romping with the kids!
I’ve been thinking…
…about teaching.
I have been “retired” from the classroom since 2015 but have “re-tried” teaching in new ways.
Teachers have an intrinsic need to reach out, to share — to help. My children’s books are a way to reach out and share ideas, with the intent to help children negotiate challenges in their young lives.
Meeting New Friends
I’ve been thinking…
…about the joy of meeting new friends.
We all have friends from different walks in our lives. Friends from church. Friends from our school days. Friends from work. Friends from our children’s school days…
I’ve been thinking…
…about blessings.
A thought in my mind — and heart — when I write books for children is that they will have some positive impact in the lives of young readers and their adult reading partners. I’ve shared in this space some stories of how children have reacted to the books, which certainly made my heart smile.
But this one is very special. I share it here as it came to me…
I’ve been thinking…
…about connections.
After years of avoiding social media and blogging, I’m discovering the joys of connecting with old friends and meeting new.
Last week we asked for “followers” to share grandparent names — those that they called their grandparents and/or those that their grands call them. This outreach has generated wonderful responses with names from around the world and pet names from families.
I’ve been thinking….
…about grandparenting.
On September 12th, we celebrate Grandparents’ Day.
There was a time long ago that I cynically thought this was just another “Hallmark moment” to sell cards. Maybe because I am now in this distinctive tribe, I celebrate grandparents’ day every time John and I get to facetime with the grands, or best yet —hug them in person!
This seems to be a golden age for grandparenting.
The Joys of Reading
I’ve been thinking…
… about the joys of reading.
My grands are all beginning to read. What adventures await! But challenges abound as well.
I once heard a noted educator say that reading is the hardest thing the brain has to learn to do. As a reading specialist, I get questions from parents on how to best help their children with “reading homework.”
First —