
I’ve been thinking….

…about grandparenting.

On September 12th, we celebrate Grandparents’ Day.

There was a time long ago that I cynically thought this was just another “Hallmark moment” to sell cards.  Maybe because I am now in this distinctive tribe, I celebrate grandparents’ day every time John and I get to facetime with the grands, or best yet —hug them in person!

This seems to be a golden age for grandparenting.  I read some interesting statistics that point to this generation of active grandparents.   There are more than 75 million grandparents in the U.S., according to current census data.  From surveys, 70% of grandparents believe that being involved as a grandparent brings them closer to their adult children, with 65% saying that they are doing a better job caring for their grandchildren than they did their own children.  Having time and financial security certainly helps.

Most telling, 72% of grandparents believe being a grandparent is the single most important role in their life and provides them the most satisfaction. [1]

What I see around me certainly puts flesh on these statistical bones.  The grandparents I know are busy with a myriad of interests and activities, but their grandchildren are their focal point.  When we have a chance to be with the grands, that takes precedence over anything.   Yep, even golf.

John was blessed to have grandparents who were wonderful influences in his life and, I know, helped shape him into the extraordinary PopPop our grands adore.    My only grandparent — my mother’s mother — lived half a continent away and passed on when I was ten.  Nanny was a retired schoolteacher and encouraged me to write letters to her.  I have to smile remembering how she sent back my letters with corrections!  Even though our relationship was limited by space and time, I credit Nanny with having influenced my love of reading and writing.

It is hard to say who gets the most out of the grandparent relationship.  The statistics indicate the time and financial resources grandparents provide to their adult children and grandchildren — 60 million U.S. households are grandparent households, and 65% of grandparents have provided some financial support. 

But I think what children would consider important is the time spent with their grandparents.  Grandparents are reading partners!  They share their hobbies — and expertise — with fishing, cooking, gardening — and so much more.

What we all realize is that every moment grandparents are “doing” for their grandchildren, the grandchildren are filling up our lives with love. 

Though I marvel at this whole grandparenting phenomenon, it is an age-old certainty:

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged…. Proverbs 17:6






The Joys of Reading