I’ve been thinking about…
Tis the season for “resolutions.” Sadly, the concept of setting resolutions at the new year has taken on a negative edge.
But aren’t resolutions really about reflecting on where we have been and where we want to go? And isn’t this a healthy mental and emotional exercise?
In that spirit, I’m thinking about reflecting on 2021 as we start 2022.
Like many, I’ve found that Covid times have changed life patterns.
I drive less – much less! Meetings that still happen are on zoom. They have proven to be as productive and a whole lot easier!
I walk more — on the treadmill and for errands to town. There seems to be more time to enjoy exercise in any form. That would include golf for sure!
I work more, albeit differently. “Work” now entails hours at the computer, but at my own desk, looking out at the gardens. (I enjoy Nancy’s yard as much as my own.)
I stress a lot less. Years ago, when I was working on the dissertation, I posted “TTT” on my computer to remind me that “thinking takes time.” Back in those days, time was a precious commodity, stretched thin between family and teaching and volunteering and the dissertation work. My time now is flexible, allowing me room to think and execute.
Reflecting on 2021 — it was a rather good year.
Do we dare state resolutions for 2022? How about, live the lessons learned.